Thursday, January 21, 2010

Wk 1: Who Am I?

A big question..Who am I? Well, I suppose I can say that I am a student, where I go to school, my major, my hobbies, age, etc. Those may help categorize me in society and generate certain tendencies about my personality (a word with heavy meaning in this class?) or actions that are established by the people before me with similar hobbies, age, major, etc, but that probably won't really answer the question of who I really am...

This is a question that I have always pondered about and think is really hard to answer. Then again, I don't think this is a question that I can put into words either. I believe I know myself well enough to know who I am, but there is also a limit to that based off of my current growth in life. Honestly, the best answer I have for others and myself is: I am who I am. I am all the things I have experienced, all the things I have seen, all the places I have been to and lived, all the people and things I know, love, and hate, and all the things I believe, disagree, and embrace. I am influenced by all this, whether I choose to or not, they are all part of me.

In a sense, I think the list of things about me is just the beginning of who I am. As the lists gets longer, turning into stories, into reflections, then it will only slightly begin to answer who I really am.


  1. Hi Jessica:
    Thanks for this post. The artwork is lovely. I think that as you ask yourself these deep probing questions more questions arise. It will be interesting to see how many answers you come up with by the end of the semester. I also thought it was interesting that you said that you are what you love and hate. I never thought of it that way. hmmm? Does that depend on how much energy we put into both? Just a question.

  2. Haha, I think so. I think the more engergy we put into our reaction to the things around us, the more impact it has on our lives, both mentally and socially. I believe our reaction also reflects our values and experiences that may have resulted in certain unconscious reactions. I just think all the things we experience are part of what molds us or help us decide who we are, sometimes consciously and sometimes unconsciously.

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